Tuesday, November 18, 2008

FAITH LINKS : Linking the transitory (ephemera) by their DNA!

Still working on the best way to report on the ephemeral. At this juncture The CRIB is offering the periodically fugacious ... by their common heritage!
C. S. Lewis is haunting Chicago ... and they're coming back for more! [Christian Post]
Christianity "to the border of irrelevance"? How does that harmonize with "to the gates of Hades"? Hhhhmmmm! [Religious Intel; h/t Europe News]
Kiaros Journal: one of the finest Christian sites on the web.
Faith bullying in the UK ... (more) [Independent UK; h/t Islamophobia Watch]
Bill Maher is right, the "Old Testament Just a 'Book of Jewish Fairy Tales'" [Reuters/Hollywood Reporter; h/t News Busters]
Secular Coalition for America wants nonreligious molehill to be made into a mountain. [Stars & Stripes; h/t Areopagus]
A far better reason for doing church than what the mega-barns seem to be doing! [the M blog]
Glib Gibb replacement has coaching Redskins and Christ in common with predecessor. [Baptist Press Sports; h/t Tim Ellsworth]
PBS is on the Bible attack again; it seems not to occur with them that they might be wrong. [Christian Post]


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Thanks for the Link to our new site. I appreciate it much and have added you to my rs feeds I read daily.

  2. Thanks for the link to the M Blog. My compliments on your own excellent blog which I have been reading the past few minutes!
