Monday, February 21, 2005

KINGDOM BLOGS - Around the Sphere Today! (2/21/05)

Periodic post of things I've read and like in the Kingdom part of the blogosphere (updated as I go) ...

Mr. Standfast ...

Nice post here Sunday entitled "Christ-centered Blogging." Anyone who desires to be or calls themselves a Christian-blogger will want to hear this believer's heart.

Blue Goldfish ...
The anonymous chiefblogger at BG has an insightful and trippy post for Sunday called "Squandering that which is precious" - BG asks his readers, "Is it ethical to use that which is ... God's - our bodies, our money, our time - on tattoos and piercings?" Included is a color photo from 1137 BCE, showing Saturnalia body piercing on a pagan youth ... I don't where he got it but it is right there to see with your own eyes. What? Would I lie?
Pro-Life Blogs ...

RE: Terri Schiavo -- PLB via Wittenburg Gate's post of an article by a Dr. Washburn which suggests Florida governor Jeb Bush has the constitutional power to save Terri with the stroke of a pen.

Michael Spencer (aka iMonk) has an interesting post on a theologian named Conrad Hyers. It's not lay reading material but it's not so heady it can't be understood by a serious lay bible student. The subject is biblical interpretation and Hyers' book is a personal take on the meaning of Genesis. I have to admit I mined a couple of new nuggets from the brief post myself.

Sunday must be a workday for Mark Coffey 'cause he has several interesting posts ... if you're a conservative and enjoy tongue in cheek ribbing of Dems and liberals, it's worth the side trip. One piece is a series on Dan Rather that is worth the trip alone.

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