Wednesday, March 09, 2005

ABSTINENCE - A winner in waiting!

The rejection of abstinence programs and their research by those involved in global HIV/AIDS efforts only makes sense in an upside down world of relativism. Consider ...

A senior research scientist from Harvard (Dr. Edward Green of the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies ) says abstinence and faithfulness are more effective than condoms to stop the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Now if you saw that, as a reasonable person, wouldn't you want to investigate further? But no, you would instead become an obstructionist and obfuscational just like officials with USAID and the United Nations who "have continued to contend that promoting abstinence simply is not practical."
The good doctor says ...

"If you look at the countries in Africa that have the highest levels of condom use --Countries like Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya -- these are not countries with lower HIV infection rates. These are countries, unfortunately, with higher infection rates."

On the other hand, Uganda has become to many the "poster-child" nation. Green says ...
Uganda has been a success story for initiatives that stress abstinence and faithfulness in particular, largely because the churches in the country have helped to promote them.
Now here is the interesting part ...
"The faith-based organizations, whether Christian or Muslim, were mobilized in countries like Uganda and Senegal and Jamaica," Green says, "so church leaders and religious groups played a big role in targeting those behaviors -- fidelity and abstinence."
As a result, the Harvard scientist says ...
Churches in Uganda and around the world are having a significant impact on the containment of HIV and AIDS. Nevertheless, he notes, many global groups that promote condom use consider churches and other faith-based groups to be obstacles to the fight against AIDS and HIV infection Read the whole story.
What do you want to bet, if Uganda had Democrat, NOW, ACLU, and MoveOn.Org field offices they wouldn't be doing this awful abstinence stuff? Everyone knows their going to do it anyway, just like there will be no Iraqi elections on January 30th. Right? You know that, right?

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