Thursday, March 24, 2005

RAPTURE INDEX - Spiritual forces in strange places!

I don't know if there's a good way to deal with the two sides of an issue when they both reveal a certain abscence of critical thinking skills in their arguments ... perhaps letting them go is one way.

Lee Drutman, in an opinion column in the online edition (email reg. req'd) of the Sacramento Bee, writes one of the most assinine and ill-informed criticisms of a Christian organization's work that I have read in 25 years of reading this stuff. His snobbish know-it-allism is offensive to my mind, his lack of scholarship in the area in which he opines (eschatology) is unforgiveable.

On the other hand, Rapture Ready invites criticism by couching much of its information in a Western context, as if we should believe "as America goes, so goes the world" and by trying to get its hands around a subject too vast for the puny mind of man.

RR's Rapture Index is an interesting concept but it includes categories (e.g., liberalism, civil rights, unemployment) which seem to me to ignore more than half the world's population and the governments which rule them.

Drutman is the most egregious though; hyperboly and snideness seem to be a mainstay in his piece; tongue-in-cheek enuendo plays a part as well. But his ignorance of the subject is appalling. For example, Drutman says ...
For the true believers, of course, the Second Coming is the day to end all days - the day when Christ finally returns as promised, and the devout are eternally rewarded, while the heretics are eternally damned to the fires of hell.
Any decent Christian in almost any denomination should know that the judgments of the saved and the damned are two different events. And you can't see it in the quote above but Drutman implies the Rapture and the Second Coming as a single event. Lord help us.

In all seriousness though, if you take your time at Rapture Ready you will be impressed with the effort and their concern for souls.

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