Thursday, March 24, 2005

TERRI SCHIAVO - A Declaration of Dependence!

One thing is for sure, Terri's fight has revealed a genuine Constitutional crisis ... many of us have suspected for some time that the federal judiciary has swung the balance of power its way and thus disrupted the doctrine of equality in the three branch system.

Equally certain, Terri's fight reveals the gutless and impotent nature of the legislative branch, both in DC and Florida; bluster is all they seem able to muster. Cold-blooded murder is being committed in our line of sight and elected officials are impotent in mounting a parapet of whole cloth erected by the unelected.

James, the half-brother of Jesus, tells us "the man who knows the right thing to do and does it not, it is sin" [James 4:17]; this applies to governments as well as to individuals. A great many people will be called to answer one day, but this time it will be a greater Judge who decides the price they must pay ... Michael Schiavo more than any.

The bottom-line here is not the outcome of Terri's day but rather the message our nation is sending to its people and to the rest of the world. For over two hundred years we have been a beacon of uprightness for the world and for our people. In spite of what everyone else was doing or saying we tried to be a voice for equity and liberty. We now find ourselves committing a cold-blooded murder in broad daylight before the eyes of all mankind.

The law's apologists can say what they want but cannot deny: the life of a human being is being forcibly ended in no less a fashion than if Joseph Mengele did it!

The collective government of a civilized society has a fiduciary responsibility to its citizenry to protect them from powers and influences beyond their control ... abdication of that responsibility confuses and frightens the nation's people. Our government has an unwritten contract with its people to send them messages of security, hope, and potential.

The least, the weak, the incapacitated, the defenseless, the ignorant depend on the rest of us and our government to do nothing which might jeopardize that security, that hope, or that potential. In this case our government has failed them and is no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

If you don't believe me then I challenge you: go read our Declaration of Independence and ask yourself, "What's changed?" Pay especial attention to "among these is life."

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