Wednesday, March 23, 2005

TERRI SCHIAVO - Where's the selflessness of some?

Sadly, irony juxtapositions itself with our lives at bizarre moments and in bizarre ways ... two ironic historical events makes this week's forced execution of Terri Schiavo that more profound.
First is a patrio-political event - on March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry made his famous call for American independence from Britain, telling the Virginia Provincial Convention, "Give me liberty, or give me death!" Henry was declaring his willingness to die for the cause of freedom for himself and his neighbors.

Second is a spiritual event - approximately 2,000 years ago a young man entered Jerusalem, to the cries of Hosanna, with the purpose of giving His life in order set man free from his bondage and captivity.
With these two incomparable acts of self-sacrifice in mind we must try to understand the great evil we are perpetrating upon Terri Schiavo and her family (not to mention humanity). Henry and Jesus both died for her ... WHAT IS THE HURRY TO SEE HER DEAD?

There are some who cry out that it has been 15 years; I ask, "So what's the problem with 15 more minutes? And if you can live with 15 more minutes, what about 15 more days? Or weeks? Or months? No one is asking for 15 more years. But is human life so cheap to you that you want to vote for a innocent person's death?"


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