Friday, April 22, 2005

FILIBUSTER SHINANIGANS - God should forbid this!

The LA Times is reporting they have a recording of two evangelical (audible gasp) Christian leaders plotting the overthrow of the American judiciary.

Actually what they were doing is what "leaders" do ... they discuss options and strategies in order to "lead" (go figure) their constituents. "Nnnoooooooo, it can't be, we allow Christians to have constituents?" The lefty-libs breath in unison.

What is really horrible is that the two "right-wing religious fanatics" were meeting with two government representatives (another audible gasp). "Who represents ttthhheeemmmm?" The lefty-libs sneer.

What seems to be bothering the Times reporter is that they are working "to achieve a judiciary that sides with them on abortion, same-sex marriage and other elements of their agenda." Now this should not be allowed, the reporter implies. Only feminists, homosexeuals, environmental whackos, commies, dems, and libs are allowed to lobby their causes.

Of course The CRIB is wondering how the judiciary got to be where it is now? How did it come about? Was it always just the way libs wanted it? Or did the libs and their minions have to work for years to achieve their agenda? God forbid! Like Aaron's golden calf, the activist judiciary just happened!

The article documents the well-deserved criticism of the GOP by Jim Dobson and Tony Perkins ... read more.

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