Wednesday, May 25, 2005

CULTURAL DECAY - Who are these people and where did they come from?

Who are these people? Where did they come from? What have they done with the human race? Did any of them have normal lives prior to achieving "maturity"? And I use that word with some hesitation!

Writing for Janice Shaw Crouse provides us with this wonderful news ...

Today, right-thinking adults should be outraged by the recommendation in the latest “comprehensive” sex-education materials from Planned Parenthood that, for “safe” sex, 8th graders should use Saran Wrap as “protection” when engaging in oral and anal sex.

Eighth graders for crying out loud? I suppose these brain-dead idiots find nothing objectionable about thirteen year-old girls orally doing the boys on the bus on the way to school?

Why in heaven’s name should teachers be providing curious 8th graders with ever more detailed information that is bound to encourage the more adventurous or emotionally needy ones to experiment sexually? Why talk about oral and anal sex to children, period? The unspoken purpose is clear and has the fingerprints of the gay lobby and NAMBLA all over it.

What's next, school bus video tapes being sold by bus drivers on kiddie-porn web sites showing pre-eight AM isle orgies amongst second and third graders?

The FBI publishes A Parent’s Guide to the Internet. Note well how it describes the modus operandi of pedophiles: “These individuals attempt to gradually lower children's inhibitions by slowly introducing sexual context and content into their conversations.” And millions of parents are letting so-called sex-education experts do exactly this to their children in the classroom without raising any objection. Unbelievable!

I agree. Wake up America! Muslim fanatics to the East! Illegal aliens to the South! Learning disabled Canadians to the North! Korean megalomaniacs to the West! Deviant pedophiliac perverts inside our schools!

Good God America, what's it going to take to get you out of your Van Winkle slumber? (I can answer that, only a Good God can ... Isaiah 14:7)

H/T: Biker Babe

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