Monday, June 13, 2005

PROPHETIC VOICE - MSM moving under God's hand of wrath!

... the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment ...
2 Peter 2:9
I quit wondering why the media was so biased years ago ... actually that's not true, I quit worrying about their bias, now I just marvel.

Today I understand God is indeed sovereign over all the details of our lives, and if He needs to move an individual or a nation, a company or an army, a political party or a government in a certain direction ... well, it's simply no problem for Him.

You might think that He'd just take a second or two and nudge them over the way He wants and then move on to other things. But that's not the way God works. God threatened Israel with crushing chastisements if they disobeyed Him. They did! He did! But not in a fortnight, or even in a decade; God often waited centuries to fulfill the curses on Israel. Reading the book of Judges is an eye-opener, as are Kings, Chronicles, and the Major Prophets.

And so our American forefathers set up this great nation and recognized God publicly and proudly, they warned us God could not be mocked or ignored if America were to prevail. They (men with a wide variety of Judeo-Christian worldviews) said loudly we would be judged harshly if we did not heed their warnings. And we didn't! And so God is!

I see the imperceptible erosion of our institutions (justice, education, politics, family, morality, the arts and sciences, security) as God nudging things into position for America's fall. I see this magnified more clearly in Europe and Canada but it is apparent in Australia and New Zealand as well. I see this profoundly in the irrational rise of Islamo-fascism world-wide. It may require another century for the stage to be set the way He wants it, but it is coming as sure as the sun will set tonight.

What brought this up? Two statements by Gregory Rummo, winner of the 2005 Media Award by the New Jersey Family Policy Council, did. First, wonder why he won Rummo asks rhetorically ...

Was there no one else more qualified? Is there really such a dearth of professional, family-friendly journalists in newsrooms across our state that the Family Policy Council felt compelled to award a businessman moonlighting as a columnist?

And second, he quotes from a Christian Science Monitor report from last year ...

And while about 60 percent of Americans say morality and a belief in God are inexorably linked, only 6 percent of national journalists and executives surveyed believe that.
This is a horrible statistic and pregnant with implications for our culture and people.

God is moving the public relations arm of His chastisement into position to punish America for her sins. The guy on the soapbox in the town square gets heard whether you want to hear him or not; if you have the megaphone, you can make the most noise. A godless media thinks of themselves as the elite conscience of the nation but they are in fact the unwitting tools of God (along with many other smug intellectualists and elitists) as He moves the USA to judgment.

Rummo makes another observation worthy of note ...
Liberal media bias is old news. What is news is that lately, this bias has turned ugly and in some cases, downright hostile.
I guess we must keep saying it over and over, the reason the elitists have their shorts in a knot is that they are in denial over Jefferson's original intent regarding "the wall of separation."
Author and historian David Barton explains: "Jefferson's reference to 'natural rights' invoked an important legal phrase which was part of the rhetoric of that day and which reaffirmed his belief that religious liberties were inalienable rights. While the phrase 'natural rights' communicated much to people then, to most citizens today those words mean little. By definition, 'natural rights' included 'that which the Books of the Law and the Gospel do contain.' That is, 'natural rights' incorporated what God Himself had guaranteed to man in the Scriptures. Thus, when Jefferson assured the Baptists that by following their 'natural rights' they would violate no social duty, he was affirming to them that the free exercise of religion was their inalienable God-given right and therefore was protected from federal regulation or interference."
Actually, if they (the judiciary, the liberal left, and the mainstream media) ever became honest and admitted the truth their little house of cards would quickly collapse and we could get back to greasing the skids of the greatest nation that has ever existed in the history of mankind.

One can only wonder at the resources suddenly available to glorify God if this were to happen. We wouldn't need a military to defeat Islam, we'd have the Captain of the Lord of Hosts to take it to them.

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