Wednesday, June 15, 2005

TERRI SCHIAVO - That's not the point!

The results are in: "Schiavo autopsy finds no sign of trauma"; it's good to know the results confirm the husband's position ... but that is not the point!

The point is this: do we have the right to interfere where God is absolutely sovereign - issues of life and death.

The question is this: have we reached the place in human history where we believe our corporate knowledge and combined wisdom is such that we can make life and death decisions for other human beings?

Especially in light of the condition of the world today? How can we believe the "philosophy of death" used in Terri's case is universally wise and reasonable?

Carry this thinking to it's logical conclusion, we would conclude the UN would be better off using Saddam's solution to ethnic problems in Darfur, Sudan. After all gassing all the Darfurian refugees would relieve international tensions, reduce greenhouse effects, provide more food for the poor in other nations (by redirecting relief efforts), conserve international funds, and put these poor people out of their misery ... they're going to die anyway!

The point is: those (human beings) who can't run the world or even solve the simplest of local and regional problems, without corruption and duplicity, should not be put in charge of making life and death decisions for other human beings. Period!

The bible clearly teaches we should not try to clean-up another's house before we've clean-up our own.

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