Saturday, November 26, 2005


... formerly known as Michael Jackson. From comes ...
American pop star Michael Jackson has officially announced that he has been following the five tenets of Islam and intends to convert to Islam, according to a report on the website of Arab-Israeli newspaper Panorama. [...]

Abu Ali-Mike a Mol-estahAccording to the report, Jackson’s announcement noted he is moving to Bahrain and has purchased some real-estate on an artificial island there. The singer said he decided to convert to Islam because he is convinced it is the closest religion to his personal beliefs.

Jackson also noted he intends to soon move all his assets and his studio from the U.S. to Bahrain, and expressed his hope to be rid of various legal troubles and enjoy the kind of freedom he says he does not have in America.
Arab ChildrenNow that is interesting! Hhhmmm, just what does he mean "the kind of freedom ... he does not have in America"? Does anyone know if pedophilia is legal in Bahrain?

Michael J ComparisonPersonally, I see this as a major setback in our efforts to democratize the Middle-East. Once Bahraini see what democracy has done to the littlest of the Jackson Five they won't want a thing to with it!

HT: The Other Shoe

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