Saturday, December 17, 2005


... United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

The conference originally rated the film "Brokeback Mountain," L for "limited adult audience"; they have since correctly reclassified the perverted feature film O for "morally offensive" ... duh! On-screen simulated sodomizing by two homosexual cowpokes should get a 0 (that's zero) for morally bankrupt.

The change was affected when a few pro-family groups criticized the USCCB and their film critic for implicitly endorsing the controversial queer-western.

This may very well be a great work, as some have said; it might even have some redeeming qualities, as others have said. But bottom-line it's about the licentiousness, prurient, and voyeuristic nature of man.

Some will say this is life, that we need to experience all of life in order to deal with it; and that we need to be diverse, accepting, and welcoming.

I know there are people who like to rape and murder women and children, then cut them up in pieces and throw the severed body pieces out in black garbage bags ... BUT I DON'T NEED SOME #@^$^&* YAHOO MAKING A MOVIE TO SHOW ME AND MY NEIGHBORS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE WHEN THEY DO!

I also know that there are people out there that have sex with animals, from poodles to jackasses (no pun intended) ... BUT I DON'T NEED SOME #@^$^&* YAHOO MAKING A MOVIE TO SHOW ME AND MY NEIGHBORS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE WHEN THEY DO!

And I know that there are people who get together with multiple partners of both sexs and shoot up with multiple drugs and stimulants and have group orgies from Friday night until Monday morning ... BUT I DON'T NEED SOME #@^$^&* YAHOO MAKING A MOVIE TO SHOW ME AND MY NEIGHBORS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE WHEN THEY DO!

There is a dark and evil underside to human life; just because there is, my neighbors and I don't need it publicized in our town by a greedy and spoiled bunch of amoral, sociopathetic deviants.

HT: relapsed catholic

Full story >>>>>
Plugged In Online review >>>>>
Full USCCB review >>>>>

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