Friday, February 24, 2006

ENTERTAINMENT: Try a "Piece of Soul" when it comes your way!

I hope one of the local Christian channels picks up this offering.
In a TV landscape dominated by reality shows and comedies with questionable morals, Fishers [Indiana] resident Abbie Stancato wants to cut through the noise and deliver a wholesome message with a healthy dose of laughter.

Entertainment, Piece of SoulThat's why the 43-year-old Fishers resident wrote a screenplay for his Christian-themed sitcom "Piece of Soul." It's about a family who's trying to adopt two children but accidentally buys an annoying comedian on the Internet.

"It's hard to make religion funny, so I'm not trying to make religion funny. I'm trying to make people who are religious funny," Stancato said. "You don't want to ram it down people's throats. If I can put some humor with it and get a message across, that's why it was done."

Recent TV shows like "The Book of Daniel" -- which Stancato called a "train wreck" -- have missed the mark entirely, he said, and he hopes to fill a need for quality Christian programming.

"I can't imagine for a moment that a large network would take this (his sitcom) on," he said. "That's why I was so surprised they took on 'The Book of Daniel.' I don't think this is mainstream at all, but I do think there's a niche out there. I think there's a lot more conservative people out there than people think."

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