Sunday, August 10, 2008

GEORGIA: A place where the West's myopic self absorption will prove deadly!

GEORGIA: A place where the West's myopic self absorption will prove deadly!
I'm watching NBC's local Sunday Morning news program and I'm shocked by twenty minutes of national and international news without a mention of the war in eastern Europe (the Caucasus aka Georgia). [UPDATE: 40 MINUTES IN - it's mentioned]

We are on our way to church in a few minutes and don't have time to view other news; but if the world doesn't get it, at least a few people are laboring online to document the Russian aggression ...
Thus we see the war in the Caucasus evolve into a litmus test for the basic institutions of the West itself. If those institutions fail, especially in the eyes of its most vulnerable members, then the suffering in Georgia will, in the long run, be mere prelude. [The Brussels Journal]
I rarely use the old saw "I told you so" but this morning I am saying, "I'm telling you so!"

In 1936 the world ignored Hitler and the Axis powers; years later they asked each other, "Wasn't anyone watching? Didn't anyone notice what was going on?"

ALSO: Ralph Peters, NYPost [HT: Black Kettle]

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