Wednesday, November 12, 2008

McCAIN-PALIN: Give me a break John!

I'm sorry but I think John McCain is full of piffle!

Yesterday I watched Greta's at home interview (video here) with Sarah Palin and then Jay Leno's interview of John McCain on his Tonight Show ... when all was said and done, I thought there was class and low class!

Seems to me the Maverick was more like a trained circus pony and the "Diva" from Wasilla was the beautiful lady on the Wire.

The Senator from Arizona was more like a Washington insider than I have ever seen him, more interested in getting a laugh than defending his running mate.

The Governor from Alaska, on the other hand, was staunch in her defense of the Senator and was gracious in her complimenting of him.

The fact that he did not chastise those responsible for the false and vicious back-bitting and petty rumor mongering was enough for me to regret my vote for him; his failure to categorically deny the validity of the criticisms left me speechless!


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