Sunday, December 12, 2004

Get Your Own

My neighbor has a great peach orchard. Occassionally people sneak in to take a peach or two. I'm not sure if the owner is aware of the ethical lapses of these few but he probably is ... I just think, "Why, don't they get their own rather than taking his"?

But then this neighbor on the other side decided he'd like to have some peaches just like his neighbor's but he didn't want to steal. So he goes down to the local fruit supply and buys a Freestone tree and brings it home. Then he looks at the small scrabble plot he has and compares it to his neighbor's orchard ... the result? He plants his tree in his neighbor's orchard because it's less trouble than preparing a place on his own land.

His logic is sound, "Why shouldn't I have what he has? Who is he to have all the benefits of this orchard? What has my tree ever done to be excluded from his orchard? This is a free country, right?"

This "same-sex marriage" issue is a lot like the neighbor on the other side; so is the issue of homosexuals in scouting. It is just a lot easier to trample on the rights and hard work of others than do all the work of creating your own orchard.

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