Tuesday, January 11, 2005


I must admit upfront that I've not been blogging as long as some, and I've not seen all there is to see (and there is much to see) but I am shocked by what I have seen.

Interwoven among the really good posts are some of the most bizarre posts you'll ever see, many based on myth and often on blind ignorance of facts and history. As if that weren't bad enough, other posters respond to the myth and/or misstatements as if there is no problem.

Help, informed thinkers needed to stem the flood of garbage polluting an otherwise useful and meaningful tool of modern communication and culture.


  1. Biker Babe -

    Been meaning to get back to you from your first post but God's been letting it rain out here in sunny So Cal a little more than usual. Sorry!

    Help wanted? I hope you're not looking for work? My piece was somewhat tongue in cheek.

    Well, as I said in the piece, I fear the interactive component of the blogosphere is destined for the scrap heap if what I see on the WorldMagBlog continues.

    Unless the serious, well-informed out do the other, decent people will lose interest in using blogs to interact with people of opposing views. They will simply become soapboxes for ranters and ravers of the neo-communist liberal left.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to silence any of them, but if good people remain silent the bad people WILL fill the silence.

    I may be wrong but history tells me you can't debate with demagogues (e.g., AB and his ilk). It is useless to reason with the unreasonable. It is useless to be tolerant with the intolerant. It is useless to be loving with the unloving. It is useless to be humble with the smug. The pseudo-intellectualism poured into the heads of kids in our colleges and universities should have died in the '60s but it didn't.

    Unless "informed thinkers [help] stem the flood of garbage polluting an otherwise useful and meaningful tool of modern communication and culture," blogs are doomed. And the vast right wing conservatives of the country need them.

    If you understand where I'm coming from you and others like you need to engage people more than you are. I sense a giving up on some who post at WMB.

  2. Biker -

    The only thing I can do is try to encourage you to not give up. I don't know when He'll return but I know He will, and He told us to occupy until He does.

    Paul said to fight the good fight, to run the race with endurance, etc. (sorry, I'm starting to preach).

    Look, my philosopy is this: I don't know everything, but I do know somethings and I'm going to engage the enemy at every juncture; I may not be right all the time but I try to be right and perhaps one of my engagements will change someone in a way that has eternal significance; and I may get tired but I'm never too tired to try ... praise the King of kings neither did He.

    Stay in touch.

  3. biker -

    Rain stopped for half of yesterday and the storm predicted for today is nowhere in sight ... thank You Lord.

    I don't know if you heard but we set an all-time historical rainfall record. Biggest in recorded history. Lots of property damage, so many feel pretty low today.

    Talking about feeling low, you feeling more spiritual get up and go today! Hope so. Prayed for you just now. Blessings!

  4. Biker -

    We're fine but our daughter's a sophomore at one of the coastal Univ. and is blocked off from getting through. I told her she needs to get a Hawg and then she'd get right through.

    Seriously, these people in the slide area have had slides and deaths there before. They are always warned about the dangers and most of them snub their noses at the danger and the authorities.

    With the exception of the children, they got what they asked for ... unfortunately. Like to see if those who got out are still that macho now!

  5. Sorry to interrupt the conversation, but I am responding to the post. Ink Slinger, I linked over from your comment at WMB, and I like a lot of what I see at your site. I'm blogging myself at www.globelens.com , and I hope I'm an "informed thinker," rather than a garbage man.
    I'll keep an eye on your blog, Slinger.

  6. Gobelens -

    Nice to have you drop in, ya'al come back and sit a spell when you get a chance.

    Biker -

    You post just fine ... that's how this conversation began. Remember it was me that was impressed with the timing and pithiness of your posts at WMB.

    Look, you must have thoughts about some of the issues I'm posting on here, flail away. You can use me as a springboard to build up your courage. Move over to one of the other three of my blogs if you want; the links are in the sidebar.

    Just a thought.

  7. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Glad to hear you are looking for serious thinkers and posters - I just want to ask some of you "right wingers" to check out www.radioinsidescoop.com - the blog of Mark Levine's radio show - check it out and add your comments. He has an interesting radio show - and is one of the speakers at the 'counter inaugural" tomorrow in DC. So far his blog is open to all opinions - but he's also getting a bit miffed with some of the right wing posters so he might delete their posts or make it difficult for them to do so. They're got some pretty far out radical stuff going on there.

  8. Anon -

    Dropped by K. Marks LeVine's site for a look see ... I'm back now that I've cleaned up the mess.

    I bookmarked him in my Leftist folder. Much of what I saw is almost impossible to answer ... most of their posters don't really want an answer anyway. And that's okay; the blog is giving all of us a venue to spout off.
