Sunday, January 16, 2005


Here in California we once again have taxation without representation ... talk about oxymorons (which literally means "a sharp fool"). Perhaps California is not just the land of the fruits, flakes, and nuts but also pointy-headed fools.

Not only is State Assemblyman Mark Leno (D-San Frisky) attempting to have the will of the people thrown out by doing an end run around Propostion 22 (the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Act; passed by 62 percent of the voters) but now Assembly members Berg (D-Santa Russo) and Levine (D-Van Eyes) want "physician assisted suicide" on the books so the communities of death can have another party.

According to some there are two reasonable arguments against the legislation -

First, those who are aggressively treated for pain loose their desire for early death, instead opting to stay around to see loved ones as long as possible.

Second, the record books are filled with hundreds of cases of people who've been given months to live who've lived productively for years.

San Francisco Chronicle writer, Debra Saunders offers an opposition opinion piece on the proffered "physician-assisted suicide" legislation. In the article she says ...
Yet the 171 people known to have used medical assistance to end their lives under the Oregon law since 1997 don't fit the profile of the helpless and pain-wracked patient sold to Oregon voters, Greene noted. Only 22 percent listed fear of inade-quate pain control as their reason for choosing suicide. More telling -- 87 percent cited fear of losing autonomy.
Perhaps it is time to give serious consideration of some kind of Latterday Declaration of Independence to counteract this lousy representation we're getting for our tax dollars. Who moved the rock so these creatures could crawl out?


  1. Anonymous8:35 PM


    Regarding Assembly Bill 19 and Proposition 22, I have written a little about them here. If you had the time, and as you are a resident of California, I would love to have your opinion of the links which I have cited. I learned of you from reading the comments at what, perhaps, should be renamed "Fight Central."


  2. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Thank you for taking time to give feedback! I will check back here often, as I agree with many of the comments you have made over at Fight Central. (I am, of course, just teasing when I call it that.)

