Thursday, March 17, 2005

ST PATRICK'S DAY - It's here already?

Can you believe it, Saint Patty's Day is here already ... can't wait for the rivers to run green!

I feel like starting a rumor: did you hear ... the ACLU (the American Confusing Litigators Unit; formerly the SS) is suing the Vatican to change Saint Patrick's Day to Good Public Servants Day? That's right!

The ACLU claims that Patrick is not diversity sensitive enough. They've asked the courts to consider the feelings of Saint Patricia, and how she must feel when she sees she hasn't been recognized. And the religious symbolism is just too much, since there have been a lot of good Irish people in the past 500 years ... every good person should be recognized.

And what about the good Scotish people and Welsh people? Why do the Irish get their own day? And the color green? Well, that has to stop as well. After all, Ireland has those descended from the Orangemen, don't you know. And green represents envy and that's not good for a future global society to deal with.

Lordy! What would we do without the ACLU to keep us on the straight and narrow?

At any rate ... HAPPY GOOD PUBLIC SERVANTS DAY everyone ... kinda has a ring to it don't you think?

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