Saturday, March 19, 2005

TERRI SCHIAVO - Keeping the focus!

I cannot speak for others, including Terri and her family, but I can speak for myself. No matter how I slice this issue it comes down to two things - the value of each single human life and the fact that we are forcibly ending one.

Think about this: we (the USA) are now, because of the publicity surrounding Terri's plight, killing another human being who has done nothing but have an accident.

Think about this: when you were young, didn't you, like me, make many ill-informed statements about what you thought about politics, religion, life, death, love, and patriotism? Terri was barely a young woman when she supposedly made the statement concerning what she wanted if she ever became incapacitated. Would you want your life to depend on any of the foolish statements you made in your youth?

Think about this: Michael Schiavo's attorney, George Felos, said, "Terri Schiavo has a right to die in peace." Do you really think that Terri will "die in peace"? Even if she is in a persistent-vegitative-state?

There truly does seem to be, as Governor Bush said, a "rush to starve her to death."

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