Tuesday, May 03, 2005

COMMON SENSE - I take it all back!

I was a big Arnie supporter until this morning when I read the Professor at his first-class blog.

Truthfully, I'm having trouble supporting the whole of the GOP any more ... the absolute insulting treatment of the base by the Republican idiots in the Senate over the filibuster and the "nuclar" option ... but now this.

I'll let you read for yourself how Arnie Strikes Out Again at the Professor's site, but let me say this ... I have been an apologist for Schwarzenegger for some time because he is not a career politician, because he is a successful immigrant who did not come with his hand out, and because he has fought and won the cultural stigma of language ... for the most part.

But now, like Bainbridge, only slower, I've had it! Here are Schwarzenegger's own words, you judge for yourself (from the Bainbridge) ...
[Schwarzenegger] fuelled his reputation as a misogynist last night (24APR05) when he told outspoken DJ HOWARD STERN he wanted to remove the moon, to prevent the mood swings women suffer before their monthly periods. Schwarzenegger explained, "If we get rid of the moon, women, whose menstrual cycles are governed by the moon, will not get PMS. They will stop bitching and whining."
Arnie reminds me of my pre-Christian days, always trying to find something perverse to add to my speech to titillate the prurient inclinations of others (it was just my way of justifying my lack of manners and morals; it let me believe I was okay because no one said anything). Well, that's too much. I don't like "that" me, and I don't like anyone who acts like "that" me, especially politicians!

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