Saturday, August 20, 2005

INTELLIGENT DESIGN - Politics & science don't mix!

Richard Sternberg (By Michael Williamson -- The Washington Post)The Richard Sternberg story just keeps getting bigger - webs of deceit, cover ups, hit squads, name calling, retaliation, rumor mills, anonymous leaks, falsified documents ... sounds more like inside the beltway rather than inside the Smithsonian Institution.
The U.S. Office of Special Counsel, which was established to protect federal employees from reprisals, examined e-mail traffic from these scientists and noted that "retaliation came in many forms . . . misinformation was disseminated through the Smithsonian Institution and to outside sources. The allegations against you were later determined to be false."

"The rumor mill became so infected," James McVay, the principal legal adviser in the Office of Special Counsel, wrote to Sternberg, "that one of your colleagues had to circulate [your résumé] simply to dispel the rumor that you were not a scientist."
Sternberg, as editor of a science journal, had approved publication of a peer reviewed article on ID as a valid explanation for the origins of life.

The WaPo report sounds more like something out of Watergate or Rathergate ... so what will we call it - SciFigate?

One thing is for sure, the naturalists are right, politics and science don't mix! So why won't they take their political crucibles off their Bunsen burners and quit concocting.

Those of us in the pro-ID camp are continuously asked what we are afraid of; I think it might be fair to ask the same of them. For a group so certain of themselves, as the Bard said, me thinks they protest too much.

UPDATE: The OSC has determined that Sternberg is not a legitimate "employee" of SI, therefore cannot receive counsel from the OSC. His discrimination suit against SI has been dismissed.

THOSE REPORTING re Meyers/Sternberg/OSC
The Panda's Thumb
I Googled but found no others

The National Review
Washington Times
Evolution News & Views

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