Saturday, December 03, 2005


... may signal Vatican's distaste for ecumenicism.

The Pope's action to revoke Franciscan autonomy may be seen as a reaction to their interfaith efforts. The Washington Post is reporting from the Franciscan capitol in Italy ...
Imams, rabbis, Buddhist monks, Hindu holy men and followers of Confucius have strolled the chalky white and pink stone courtyards of the massive basilica here. Anti-globalization activists with fists in the air and Communist atheists carrying Marxist texts have conversed with gentle Catholic monks.

Peace marches and conferences on economic development, bioethics and myriad other topics have unfolded, all under the auspices of the Franciscan monks who control the shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi, the much-beloved and storied founder of the Franciscan order.
This is an excellent and plausible example of how easy it would be to start a "one world church" movement.
Such gatherings, particularly a pair of interfaith meetings between world religious officials and Pope John Paul II , attracted wide media attention. [...]

With a stroke of the pen earlier this month, Pope Benedict XVI put the future of such varied -- some would say freewheeling -- events in question, according to Roman Catholic observers, both those who favor Franciscan activism and those who oppose it.
Some say the meetings were far from freewheeling ... they suggest they were apostate retreats.
In a [recent] decree ... the pope placed the Franciscans in Assisi under the threefold control of a new local bishop, the Italian Bishops Conference and a yet-to-be-named papal overseer. The edict overturned autonomy granted in 1969 by Pope Paul VI that in effect made the Franciscans ambassadors to peace movements and to outside cultural and religious groups. [...]

A Vatican spokesman said that under church law, pastoral activities such as the various Assisi events are "always" under control of the local bishop. Reminded that Paul VI had granted the Franciscans special autonomy, the spokesman replied: "The Assisi diocese resounds globally. The actions of the Franciscans in Assisi affect not only the diocese but all Italy and even the world. It is necessary to coordinate things in a way that they work as well as possible."
But like politics in general not all is received with glee ...
Reaction to the Vatican's move was strong across Italy. "The stronghold of dialogue has fallen. Now the Franciscans have their hands tied and can no longer be a bridge between the church and society," said Livia Turco, a member of the largest party in Italy's opposition coalition, the Democrats of the Left.
But others are more positive ...
"It's about time," Bishop Sergio Goretti, the retiring bishop of Assisi, told La Repubblica newspaper. He complained that the monks had created "an autonomous enclave."

"Sometimes, I only found out what the monks were doing when I read about it in the newspapers," he said.
One of the Franciscan spokesmen reacted in a clearly Christian fashion, which is refreshing ...
The Franciscans reacted diplomatically, a caution appropriate for an order that at its 13th-century birth was critical of hierarchy but has thrived under papal authority. "This is not an order to 'obey or else,' " said the Rev. Vincenzo Coli, custodian of the monastery that surrounds the basilica that houses Saint Francis's tomb, speaking in an interview. "This is done, I believe, in the spirit of collegiality. In theory, there is no problem. In practice, we will see."
Indeed, we will see. Prophecy is not something that can be ignored or swept under the narthex carpet; if it was spoken by God then it will take place on His terms and in His time. Some future generation will see a one-world religion and the persecution of all who will not submit.
Thank you LORD that Your true church will witness that event from the clouds above. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:17


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