Monday, April 10, 2006

ISLAM: Ain't gonna happen!

UPDATE: See *** below.

I don't want to be a cynic but when it comes to Islam, what options are open to us after we face reality and engage common sense?

The AP report says ...
Imagine a style of Islam in which mosques link up with churches to share ideas on spirituality and Muslim scholars spur new schools of thought on how to understand and appreciate life in the West.

That's what Muslim leaders from across Europe described Saturday as part of broad visions that touched on everything from Islamic law to lesson plans for school children - all aimed at forging a clear European Muslim identity that retains traditions but does not clash with Western values.

Some speakers even gave it a name: the '"theology of integration.'"
The answer to that first question depends to a large degree on which "churches" they "link up" with; if history tells us anything, they won't be evangelical or conservative. Personally I see this as one more step in the march to a one world, global religious body ... perhaps one with military undergirding.

Sorry but I'm not going to get too hopeful here. Consider ...
But in quieter tones at a conference on Islam's future in Europe, there was agreement that any significant changes are still a long way off for Europe's 33 million Muslims at a time when the pressure for reform is mounting. [...]

This puts Europe's moderate Islamic leaders in the challenging role of creating a body of reference for diaspora Muslims. They also could face a backlash from conservatives over accommodations to Western society, such as Muslim men shaking hands with unrelated women or taking loans that require interest payments.
What are the chances? How about zero and none in our lifetimes?

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*** Christians have their heads in the sand?

Yes, according to at least one ...
A column by Paul Chesser has a nice lead: "Afghanistan's most well-known former resident Christian, Abdul Rahman, has at least temporarily escaped a headless fate and now can look forward to spending the rest of his life looking over his shoulder."

But Chesser's complaint about the quietude of most Christians concerning such persecution is stinging: "the anesthetization of American Christianity is probably nearly complete. Even though Islam threatens their way of life by exporting terror and killing infidels, most Christians are focused elsewhere."

Chesser knocks pulpiteers such as Joel Osteen, because the columnist doesn't think that Osteen's "'choosing to be happy' elixir will stifle the radical Islamic world's domination virus."
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