Wednesday, July 25, 2007

WORLD CLASS: Talk About Mixed Metaphors!

The Christian Post's title is "Bill Hybels' Leadership Summit Attracts World-Class Speakers." How is a guy to get around this one?

I would assume a major Christian news source and a major Mega-barn church and it main man would have "World-Class Speakers"! But there's no James Dobson, no John Stott, no James Packer, no Richard Land, not even a Paul or Andre Crouch! So who do they have?

Jimmy "The American Palestinian" Carter, Colin Powell, a Harvard "B-School" name, and a failed Silicon Valley executive ... all truly "world" class! It's a wonder they don't have Michael Moore.
Following last year's exclusive interview with U2 frontman Bono, who drew church attention to the extreme poverty and AIDS pandemic in Africa and made it no less than a command for Christians to help those suffering, Willow Creek founder Bill Hybels landed interviews with Carter, Powell and filmmaker Richard Curtis to feature at this year's event.

Curtis is an Oscar-nominated screenwriter and co-founder of the Make Poverty History campaign and was also the driving force behind the recent success of the special "Idol Gives Back" program, which raised $70 million during the latest "American Idol" television season.

Other summit speakers appearing live at the South Barrington campus include Michael E. Porter of the Harvard Business School, one of the world’s foremost authorities on competitive strategy; Carly Fiorina, past president and chief executive officer of Hewlett-Packard; John Ortberg, author, speaker, pastor, and leading voice on the subject of spiritual formation; Floyd H. Flake, senior pastor of the Greater Allen A.M.E Cathedral of New York in Queens and president of Wilberforce University in Ohio; Warren Bennis, prolific author and world-renowned leadership expert; and Hybels, one of the most influential evangelical pastors in the nation.
I'll give them credit; it truly
is a "world" class program at Willow Crik!

In spite of Boner's worldview on poverty, I just can't see how this helps the thousands of small church leaders, rural, poverty-stricken churches and "the least of these" in the world today.

Perhaps the article should be retitled: "What has Christ done for you lately; let Bill and his gang show you how to really succeed in this world!"

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