Friday, January 13, 2006


... an up or down vote!
U.S. Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito completed his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday after frustrated Democrats took a final crack at getting more definitive answers from the 55-year-old conservative.
Alito, SCOTUS, Senate, DemocratsThe picture to the left should tell it all. The performance of the likes of Senators Kennedy and Lehy was reprehensible. Bringing a man's wife to tears is indicative of the new democrats and their desparation.

"Borking" should be a thing of the past (please Lord). I hope this gawd-awful performance drives the silver spike into the hearts of these blood-suckers.

Thank goodness one man got his back up and stepped forward to speak out in defense of the Alito and his family.

Dispite the seriousness of the appointment, anyone who claims a viable relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ (both Lehy and Kennedy are Catholics) should at least know how to be civil, focusing on substantive issues, not on personal attacks.

If I were a Catholic I'd be embarrassed by these yokels. I know I am by the likes of Pat Robertson (also here and here) and Fred Phelps.

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