Thursday, November 24, 2005


... I just have to get it out, even though it's Thanksgiving Day here in the US of A.

Arnaud de Borchgrave, editor at large of The Washington Times, tells us from France ...

France's internal intelligence agencies reported in the last two years that 40 percent of the imams in France's 1,000 principal mosques had no religious training and downloaded material from pro-al Qaeda Web sites for their Friday sermons. The fiery harangues were designed to attract young jobless Muslims to the mosques -- and extremist causes many imams espoused. [CRIB emphasis]
So we are told there's no religious element to the recent riots in France. The CRIB has said from the beginning (here, here, here, here, and here) the riots were Muslim-based reactions to fanatical teachings in the mosques of France and the Muslim world.
Satellite dishes protrude from almost all apartments in the cankerous Muslim housing projects. The Qatar-based Al Jazeera reaches 'hoods in Europe's Muslim and sub-Saharan African suburbs. For the last two years youngsters have been proselytized via the Internet to become jihadis for the Iraqi insurgency. They use the Internet to locate mosques in Syria and Jordan where they can find shelter on the way to Iraq, as well as places to report for training and combat assignments.
This is great, kids in Western nations use the Internet to educate themselves, even earn degrees; Muslim youth, on the other hand, use the Internet to pump their “colere” (anger) and to convince themselves they are victims without responsibility for their situation. Wm. F. Buckley agrees.
The French government has deliberately downplayed, even denied, any connection between nationwide riots and torching of automobiles, schools, and even churches and the jihadi phenomenon. Jean-Louis Debre, speaker of the National Assembly and mayor of Evreux, called the unrest "a true episode of urban guerrilla" warfare.

Much as the authorities try to avoid lending credibility to Islamist influences, the cops on the beat say Islamist beliefs coupled with desperation over a hopeless future are a major motivating factor. The young Muslims scoff at their parents for accepting menial jobs and belong to criminal gangs with a religious identity to feed their drug habits and steal mobile phones. And since Oct. 27, they tell each other their 'hoods are Baghdad in France.
Victim psychosis is irrational and leads to resentment, especially with religious fanatics, which leads to anger, which leads to denial, and ultimately to rebellion. The situation in France could not be clearer.
Gang leaders can also see that the left in France -- socialists, communists, Greens and intellectual elites -- sympathizes with them and blames tough Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy who called them "racaille" (or riff-raff, not the widely quoted "scum").
Conservatives can't take much satisfaction in more failed socialistic, liberal-left systems; their failures only make rich Western nations a bigger target for fascists.
The left ignores riots to emphasize "police harassment" and refers to drug trafficking as a "parallel economy." Lawless zones, says philosopher Jean-Francois Mattei, become "sensitive neighborhoods."
Political correctness in a bureaucrat's hand is as dangerous as C4 in a terrorist's backpack.
Similar developments in other European Union countries are not a matter of if but when, say their security service chiefs. Tragically for the Continent, EU's Eurocrats, in a fit of political correctness, are in deep denial about "Islamist terrorism."
Folks, The Crib warns again, this is just a lull in a battle of worldviews ... an evil civilization on the left and a badly bruised and dirty civilization on the right.

HT: The Black Kettle; who says ...
It's always the same ... the left causes the problem with their idiotc [sic], utopian social and cultural engineering and then blame the messenger when the inevitable meltdown occurs.
UPDATE: Laer at Cheat Seeking Missiles linked to this post and added some excellent tidbits from the BBC on decisions made by the French relating to the GWOT. Go there and read!

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