Thursday, May 05, 2005

REVELATION OR REVELATIONS - Like the Eveready Bunny, still going strong!

Last night was the fourth in NBC's six-part mini-series Revelations and, although it continues to be fine entertainment, I did have a couple of new complaints.

First off, the power behind the biblical anti-Christ is evil, pure evil! There is no love in Satan's evil but the program tried to portray the antagonists as having a sick, twisted kind of love relationship. I'm sure non-Christians, and probably most Christians, who watched didn't even notice; but for me it was distracting.

On the other hand, the guy who plays the leader of the Satanists exhibited character consistent with my conception of pure, loveless evil.

The second thing that bothered me is the same thing that bothered me last week, co-star Natascha McElhone's whispered dialogue ... I've never met a nun that didn't talk like a normal human being, Sister Jo's conspiratorial whisper is spiking this old man's blood pressure!

Lastly, it occurred to me that the whole prison uprising thing is taking place in the American prison system; the coming of the anti-Christ, even in a mini-series should be globally understood.

RATING: as entertainment television - two and a half thumbs up; as biblically accurate docu-drama - one thumb down.

See last three reviews here (episode one), here (episode two), and here (episode three) plus a pre-airing post here.

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